Linux Packaging Maven Plugin : 1.2.1
2019-01-09Version 1.2.1 of the Linux Packaging Maven Plugin is released.
Repurpose an ST-Link clone
2018-11-18The well known ST-Link clones are built around a quite useful STM32 microcontroller, they come in a small aluminium cover with a USB A connector and have 10 pins exposed. Ideal for repurposing !
Linux Packaging Maven Plugin : 1.2.0
2018-06-30Version 1.2.0 of the Linux Packaging Maven Plugin is released.
STM8 linux Recipes
2017-06-26Some ST 8-bit microcontroller recipes that could be useful for someone trying out these surprisingly powerful devices.
Linux Packaging Maven Plugin : 1.1.2
2016-01-03Version 1.1.2 of the Linux Packaging Maven Plugin is released.
Linux Packaging Maven Plugin : 1.1.1
2015-11-02Version 1.1.1 of the Linux Packaging Maven Plugin is released.
Linux Packaging Maven Plugin : 1.1.0
2015-10-24Version 1.1.0 of the Linux Packaging Maven Plugin is released.
Absolute URLs in a backend Tomcat server
2012-02-10Transparently resolving URLs in a proxied Tomcat web app without hard coded base URLs in application code.
Hash Algorithm Collision Fix using an Apache Module
2012-02-04As promised here, I've put the Apache module that protects Java and PHP sites from Hash Algorithm Collision DOS attacks on GitHub.
Hash Algorithm Collisions
2012-01-27At the 28th Chaos Communication Congress Alexander Klink and Julian Wälde presented a talk about a very effective Denial Of Service attack which targets all major web development platforms (PHP, Java, .NET, Python, ...).